Social scientist with a master's and doctorate in Sociology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ, 2005). Since 2009, I've been a researcher at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea), in the Department of Studies on State, Institutions, and Democracy (Diest). I am a professor of the master's degree in public administration at the Brazilian Institute of Development and Research (IDP), Brazilian Political Institutions at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/RJ), and a member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies on Inequality (NIED/UFRJ). In recent years, I was a visiting researcher at the Center d'Etude de la Vie Politique (2018), at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and did a postdoctoral internship at DRCLAS at Harvard University (2019) and at the Colégio Brasileiro de Altos Estudos at UFRJ ( 2020-2021). For many years I carried out research on the interaction between NGOs and the public sector and coordinated the data platform Map of Civil Society Organizations ( Currently, I dedicate most of my research time to the study of Brazilian public bureaucracy, in particular appointments to the bureaucratic elite. In this context, I coordinate the Atlas do Estado Brasileiro ( I also do research on perceptions of social inequalities and related issues, such as social cohesion and social trust in Brazil. In addition to the published articles, I edited a book on “Trust positions in Brazilian coalition presidentialism”, a book on the “Profile of Civil Society Organizations in Brazil” and a book on the Brazilian civil service after democratization.